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ULC Named “Company of the Year” at UK Gas Industry Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that ULC Robotics came out on top at the prestigious Gas Industry Awards ceremony after being named “Company of the Year” by the Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM) and the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) for the first time ever.

For over 20 years, the Gas Industry Awards has recognised the gas industry’s most innovative and dedicated companies and individuals. The award ceremony identified the achievements of members and celebrated the best of the best across the industry. The winners of this year’s awards were named at the ceremony on 18 May which, for the first time in its history, was a virtual event due to COVID-19.

It is a massive honour for ULC to have been recognised for our innovative contributions in the UK gas industry since 2013, particularly alongside strong industry players. Our journey since 2013 has involved the deployment of CISBOT to remediate and repair over 120km of cast iron gas mains on Cadent and SGN’s networks around the UK with zero interruptions to customers’ gas supplies, the introduction of solar-paneled eco-cabins offering zero carbon emissions on site, as well as the introduction of 24 hour working to reduce highway possession.

We’ve also witnessed strong collaboration with the UK’s gas networks, including the development of new technologies and R&D concepts such as the revolutionary Robotic Roadworks and Excavation System (RRES) which was developed in partnership with SGN.

Thank you to all of our employees across the company, past and present, who have made this achievement possible.

For a full list of award recipients during the ceremony, check out the IGEM website.


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