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ULC Technologies Successfully Deploys New 12″ CISBOT

Expanded robotic internal cast iron joint sealing services in live, medium diameter gas distribution mains ready to expand operations in the U.S. and UK.

ULC Technologies, a leader in the development and deployment of robotics for utility and infrastructure markets announced the commercialization of its CISBOT internal robotic cast iron joint remediation services in 12” gas mains. This expansion enables ULC Technologies to address additional volumes of medium diameter, tier 2 gas mains to support leak response and critical infrastructure upgrades in the U.S. and UK.

CISBOT is an established robotic technology that enters live cast iron gas mains to internally remediate leaks by injecting a sealant into the joints. The technology has sealed more than 130 miles of 15”-42” diameter mains since 2009 to extend the life of critical gas infrastructure and reduce the impact of utility work to the public and the environment.

“The new 12” CISBOT robot builds upon ULC Technologies’ extensive experience in gas utility field operations, robotics engineering and cast iron gas infrastructure,” says Ryan McGowan, VP Operations at ULC Technologies. “Following a feasibility study funded by a leading gas utility, our robotics engineering and field operations teams collaborated to scale down our proven technology, processes and methods—which successfully completed its first project in Massachusetts.”

12 inch cast iron remediation robot

ULC Technologies began the joint sealing project in August where the scope of work to launch the new robot into a live 12” diameter gas distribution main. The location for the pilot had existing gas readings in the street, which were being carefully monitored by the utility. With a roadway constructed of concrete slab, traditional leak response was challenging due to substantial costs for roadway excavation and restoration.

“The new 12” CISBOT robot and field crew was able to successfully seal the original scope of 60 joints—including the existing leaks,” says McGowan. “Positive results on gas readings in the street proved the effectiveness of 12” CISBOT. Our gas utility customer saw a tremendous amount of value in the project and expanded the project by another 29 joints to address a total length of 800 feet.”

12 inch cisbot cast iron joint repair

The CISBOT project is the first of many for ULC Technologies, who is already working with several other utilities to conduct additional pilot programs in both the U.S. and UK. Interested parties can learn more about 12” CISBOT by visiting:


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