ULC’s CISBOT, which rehabilitates leaking joints, prevents joints from leaking and extends the life of large diameter cast iron natural gas mains, was recently featured in Robotics Business Review. After visiting a CISBOT work site in Boston, editor Eugene Demaitre, wanted to share his experience with RBR’s readers.

“Robots have already entered our daily lives, but not necessarily in ways people expect. Unheralded heroes toil around us, extending human capabilities and demonstrating new business models around robot services. CISBOT crawls beneath busy city streets, patching live natural gas lines and reducing traffic disruptions.
Hauppauge, N.Y.-based ULC Technologies LLC has one crew in Boston, two in New York, and two more in the U.K. This month, it will add a sixth using its new CIRRIS diagnostic robot.
Robotics Business Review recently visited a site in Boston and got to observe ULC’s CISBOT in action.”
Read the full article about Eugene’s visit: Innovative Robot Service from ULC Avoids Breaking Groud