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ULC Technologies Announces Robotic System for Underground Utility Damage Prevention

Introducing AUSMOS™, a semi-autonomous robotic system for the detection, location and mark out of below ground infrastructure.

ULC Technologies LLC, a global leader in robotics development and robotics-as-a-service for the energy, utility and industrial industry, announced today their latest underground location and detection technology in collaboration with UK gas distribution network SGN and Transport for London (TfL) – the Automated Utility Service Mark-Out System (AUSMOS™).

gpr mapping robot

AUSMOS is a semi-autonomous robotic platform that detects and marks-out below-ground infrastructure utilizing a sensor suite comprised of ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic sensors. This advanced robotic platform automates underground mapping enabling denser GPR data collection and more powerful post-processing techniques that results in easier to interpret data, reducing the risk for accidental damage to buried assets.

Offering easier to interpret data and reduced risk for accidental damage of buried assets, the semi-autonomous robotic platform utilizes a sensor suite comprised of ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic sensors to detect and mark out below ground infrastructure. As a result, the data collected is denser and offers more powerful post processing techniques.

“Outdated and missing facility maps in conjunction with the declining availability of skilled technicians has accelerated the need for this innovative technology,” says Mersim Redzematovic, Project Manager at ULC Technologies. “AUSMOS will allow our teams to deliver accurate mark out so excavation crews can avoid accidental damages and improve project safety.”

Unlike traditional GPR technologies which often require technical experts to process and interpret data offsite, AUSMOS provides same-day data collection, processing, and road mark out. The robotic and repeatable nature of data acquisition and accurate localization of the sensors allows AUSMOS to overlay data captured from different sensors for more meaningful interpretation of the results.

“As we continue our pilot programs with AUSMOS in the U.S. and U.K., we aim to work with the industry to improve the accuracy of underground excavation and make GPR data more accessible by providing same-day mapping and mark out,” says Redzematovic. “Our teams recently completed pilot projects in the U.K. in Epsom and Clapham Hill where data delivered by AUSMOS could be validated in real-world environments.”

AUSMOS is part of ULC Technologies’ growing portfolio of solutions that focus on supporting underground damage prevention and mapping. To learn more about AUSMOS or discuss a pilot, contact our team.


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