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42″ CISBOT: National Grid and ULC Technologies Collaborate to Further Reduce Emissions

National Grid and ULC Collaborate to Enable Critical Gas Main Upgrades, Protect Against Leaks and Reduce Disruption

ULC Technologies’ CISBOT technology has successfully launched into a 42-inch diameter live cast iron gas main for the first time with National Grid in Brooklyn, NY. The robotic technology, which has sealed more than 100 miles of leak-prone pipe since 2010, has been expanded to conduct internal joint sealing in larger diameter mains.

“The ability to conduct our work within 42-inch mains allow our gas utility customers to protect their critical assets against leaks while minimizing disruption to the communities they serve,” says Ryan McGowan, VP Operations at ULC Technologies. “The costs for 42-inch pipe repairs using conventional methods can become astronomical especially in NYC and we are proud to enable CISBOT to remediate this large diameter pipe at a much lower cost to our clients. CISBOT is the answer to methane release issues on cast iron mains which need to be remedied in short time frames.”

After sealing tens of thousands bell and spigot style joints, CISBOT began sealing mechanical style joints in 2021 with support from UK and US customers. The technology was also modified to seal additional pipeline diameters such as 15-inch diameter pipe and now 42-inch diameter pipe. ULC’s engineering group has plans on expanding CISBOT to address 48-inch diameter cast iron gas distribution mains.

“Through close collaboration and partnerships with National Grid, in a little over a year we have expanded our CISBOT technology where we can now address mechanical joint types and work in even larger pipeline diameters,” says McGowan. “Further expanding CISBOT to seal 48-inch cast iron mains is next on the list.”

CISBOT continues to support our gas utility customers’ commitment to transforming the way they address leak prone infrastructure – especially as they continue to navigate new requirements under the 2020 Pipes Act. With the ability to enter live, large diameter cast iron gas mains to internally seal all accessible joints, CISBOT addresses any existing leaks and protects against future leaks – taking center stage as it requires less excavation and less disruption.

Learn more about CISBOT or contact our team with questions about our technology.


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